February Freelance Challenge: Replays
Welcome! Here you’ll find the recorded video training sessions for the February Freelance Challenge.
The recordings are posted in chronological order. Just keep scrolling down the page until you find the one you’re looking for!
*These replays will be available only through Monday, March 3rd.
Step 1: Find Your Teaching Superpower
You'll learn how to narrow your focus to a more specific niche, based on your personal teaching "superpower." You'll kick off the challenge by answering the question: "Who is my ideal client?"
LIVE WORKSHOP: Monday, February 24th at 11am Eastern/ 4pm GMT
✅ To officially complete Day 1, take these action steps:
1️⃣ Post your niche idea in the community to share it with your fellow February Freelancers and get some feedback from me. Tell us... who is your ideal client/ student? How do you want to help them?
2️⃣ Write down THREE things you could do to reach out (or at least become more visible) to potential clients in your speciality area/ niche. Push yourself to think big! For example, if my niche is in hospitality, I could reach out to local hotels to let them know I specialize in English for hospitality, and offer my contact information to any employees who may want to improve their English skills.
3️⃣ Choose ONE of your ideas from above... and ACT on it! Don't worry about rejection - not everyone will say yes, and that's ok! The key here is to get more comfortable putting yourself out there to start making connections in your area of specialization.
🙋 Any questions? Join the February Freelance Challenge community and post them there!