Honest About Plans - FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE (Part 2)

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Honest About Plans 2 glamour shot.png

Honest About Plans - FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE (Part 2)


Lesson Type: Functional Language for suggesting plans, declining plans, and reacting when someone declines your invitation

Level: Upper-intermediate - Advanced

Lesson length: 60 - 90 minutes

This lesson is a continuation of Honest About Plans (part 1) (in which students watched a humorous YouTube video about a woman who bluntly says she doesn’t want to go to her coworker’s party).

This lesson (Part 2) introduces functional phrases for suggesting plans (i.e. “Are you up for dinner on Saturday?”), declining plans (i.e. “I wish I could, but…”), and reacting when someone else declines your invitation (i.e. “Aw, bummer. Well how about…?”)

This material works well when taught after Part 1, but it can also stand alone just fine as a functions lesson. The video clip is included at the beginning of this lesson, so students can still watch the video and get the context even if they haven’t done Part 1.

The freer practice is a fun, communicative role play game that includes some “secret rules!”

The functional phrases are meant to upgrade students’ ability to communicate in this context. At this level, students will already be comfortable using language to suggest and decline plans, but these phrases will allow them to do this in a way that is more natural/ advanced.

This lesson includes a detailed lesson plan, the full PPT presentation, and any other necessary materials.

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